Tuesday, April 1, 2014



Our beautiful baby boy was born on February 22, 2014 at 1:30 am.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Don't mind me, I'm just going to nerd it up a bit on here. I've had an idea in my head for a little while now, and so I'm going to go ahead and do it!

I've always been a keener my whole life. I adore the natural sciences. My dad once mentioned (when I was a grown up) that he was so sure I was going to be a scientist when I was a kid. It was such a funny comment to me, because as much as I love science, it had never occurred to me to be a scientist! A scientist in my mind, is a chemist or physicist. In a lab. White coat. Frizzy hair. Well, I've got the hair for it!

I had rock collections that I gathered, but not just 'pretty' rocks most kids pick, or the glossy polished ones from gift stores. I would scour wherever we went, for rocks I could name and categorize (you know, igneous, composite and sedimentary?).

I would bundle up in the pitch black middle of winter with a flashlight and my star maps to try to identify the constellations. I remember one year in school, going up to my science teacher and telling then about all the constellations I found. Were they impressed? The reaction I got was more of a "that unit is over. But good for you, little girl."

I was blessed with supportive parents though. I had a dad that would read his monthly National Geographics cover to cover. Therefore, I assumed he was the smartest man alive. My mom, while frugal, would almost always indulge our insatiable appetites for books. My parents thought it was great that I use to BEG for a telescope.

This whole preamble is a long-winded way to say:
I'm a legit nerd.

Long before hipsters made being nerdy cool.

And I recently bought myself something I've wanted since... About Grade Two. No joke.

I got myself a book on identifying wildflowers of the prairies.

Cool, huh?

Oh, did you think it would be more exciting than that? Nope.

But I sure got a giddy thrill when I purchased it!

As I have this riveting reference in my hands and I have been enjoying getting out and looking up specimens in it, I thought I would begin to record some of my findings! Mostly for my own enjoyment, so if you're not interested, just keep scrolling on by!

The below picture is a few blocks from our house. What a weedy, overgrown mess! Right?

Actually, as I stood beside it, I quickly recognized over a dozen wildflower specimens!

This hobby has helped me to literally stop and smell the flowers!

Who knows, you may pick up a tid bit of knowledge along the way too!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Hot Summer Day

This was Dexter today, enjoying his kiddy pool!

He got some pretty bad heat stroke on Saturday, so I have been trying to be extra vigilant to keep the little guy cool in this heat.

His nice cool pool in the shade is a pretty fun activity to still get outside, but stay safe!

Friday, June 29, 2012

After Party

Here are some pictures from Layla's after school, last day surprise!

Last Day

Yesterday was Layla's last day of Grade Two! Summer break has officially begun!

Here's some pictures from the assembly where she won a reading award (second year in a row! I'm so proud of my Bookworm!).

And with her fabulous teacher, Ms. Macleod. She was also the staff who helped me with the school Gardening Club. It was so great to get to know her! She was great!

The goofy class picture is missing the students who left right away after the assembly. Layla wanted a picture with some of her girl friends, but the boys all wanted in on the action too! She has a great class!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I know it's a bit out of focus, but it's the best I've got so far!

Dexter now have four teeth out! It is amazing how such little things can really change how my baby boy looks! He's such a cute little muffin, but looking more kid-ish now!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lewis at the Park

It has been so very busy around here lately. We are now moved into our new house though! We are still so thrilled to be here! It is such a blessing to our family.

This afternoon I took a bit of a break from unpacking and headed out for a hike with Dexter and Lewis.

It was lovely to get outside and enjoy ourselves! A welcome distraction!

Here's some pictures of Lewis enjoying his time there!